Sunday, May 6, 2007

A New Lover...

So last night I’m out with some friends at the gym working out and trying to get back in shape. Then something amazing happened…

I’ve been here for about 2 hours and I’m starting to get pumped and I say to Eric, my new climbing partner, “What do you say we get out of here, get cleaned up and go catch a movie.”
“Sounds good,” he replies. Eric is new at this gym so I´m showing him around and introducing him to a few of the people that work here and some of the other climbers that I know.
“Hey Jon, how’s it going?” Holger asks as he comes around the corner. Holger is a german exchange student that I met at a party a couple months ago. It was an international party that was at his house and it was one of the best parties I’ve been to this semester.
“Well if you have anymore parties you better give me a call,” I insist.
“For sure bro,” he replies.
And then it happens, something from across the room catches my eye so I turn to see what it is. There standing like a goddess is the most beautiful thing that I have seen in a long time. She is tall and seems to stretch all the way to the ceiling.
“Look at her,” I exclaim.
“Where?” Eric asks but I am already gone.
She is thin and stands with confidence and conceit; she knows that every eye in the room is on her. Quietly, she stands there, feet together, arms at her side, not saying a word but with such beauty it seems as if she is whispering my name. She has a flat stomach, rounded thighs, small jutting breasts and she carries her glorious shoulders high. Her curves are subtle and fluid and for a moment I think that maybe I am only imagining such beauty.
I move closer and I began to feel her yet she is still at a distance. I can feel her drawing me in with her eyes, deep and mysterious, they look right through me. She continues to pull me in and I continue to move closer but I don’t remember taking a single step.
I am very close to her now and I stare at her as I try to comprehend such beauty. The light was not the best but I could see the finely chiseled features of her face. It is strong, molded with determination and courage; I can tell that she's not accustomed to being conquered but only breaking men’s hearts.
I break free of her trance though I am still in awe of her beauty. I leap at her but she does not flinch; I land on her but she does not fall. I can now feel her warmth and for the first time I know that she is real. She seems even taller now as she seems to stretch out to the heavens, from where she descended. I start at the bottom of this angel and move up as I become familiar with this perfect creation that I just met.
I make intricate and accurate moves and I do not hesitate. I do not know if it was instinct of if we were meant for each other; our bodies perfect for one another. When I am done I lower myself and get off of her. I feel like I have known her my whole life and I have this huge sense of accomplishment; I am proud of what I have done. I take one last look at her and turn and walk away.
She calls out for me and asks, “What is your name?”
I do not turn back nor do I answer her, though I am in love with this woman.

So if anyone actually finished this, it was about a route that I finished last night at the rock climbing gym. It was my first on-site of a 5.10 which is good for me. I have only been climbing for a few weeks as I am trying to get back into it like I was a couple of years ago.
For those that don’t know, when you on-site a route that means that you just walk up to the route and you own it. No one tells you how to climb it and when you’re climbing you don’t fall or weight the rope. You just walk up to the rock and without introducing yourself or being polite you get on it and climb it. Then, if it doesn’t defeat you and after you’ve reached the top, you lower yourself and walk away because you just owned that route. Yeah, that was me yesterday.

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